Page load time tab
Page load time statistics give you insights into how long it takes for a full webpage of HTML content to appear on your screen after you click a link or type in an address.
This tab does not show the total page load time, only the HTML load time. Total page load time is a metric typically derived from the time it takes for all HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript to fully load on the page. |

Read Filter by date range to learn more about working with date ranges. |
- Page load time
Indicates the time it takes for the full page of HTML content to load between the selected date range.
- P95 time
This page URL’s average time in seconds to load across 95% of requests for the selected date range.
- Requests
Indicates how many requests this page URL has received during the selected date range.
- Bandwidth
The total bandwidth consumed when serving the specific page URL for the selected date range.
Read the Determining the source of website issues scenario for a practical demonstration of how to use the information on this statistics tab.