About the API

The Job Runner API is available on Squiz DXP for every customer who has Job Runner enabled.

Access the API docs from your instance

The Job Runner API uses a URL pattern of /__dxp/{region}/job-runner/{tenantId}/docs/ to serve the latest version of the API.


Either au, us, uk depending on the hosting region set up for your DXP organization.


Your DXP tenant ID. You can find this value when you sign into your organization through the https://dxp.squiz.cloud URL.

View the hosted API docs

To view the hosted API docs:

  1. Load https://dxp.squiz.cloud

  2. Authenticate using SSO.

  3. Take note of your DXP Tenant ID which is shown after /organization/ in the URL.

  4. In the browser address bar, replace the /organization/{your-tenant-id} segment with /__dxp/{region}/job-runner/{tenantId}/docs/

  5. Change these values in the URL:


    Either au, us, uk depending on the hosting region set up for your DXP organization.


    The DXP tenant ID you took note of earlier in this procedure.

  6. Press Return in your browser address bar to load the API docs.

  7. Optionally change the region and tenantId server variables to set the variables for the interactive Swagger UI mode (Authentication required).