Filter by date range

The site statistics and monitoring category tabs show data that refreshes multiple times a day.

If you want to view data for a single day, leave the Use custom date range cleared and select the date you want to view.

  • If you choose today’s date, data collected from 12 AM to the most recent data refresh appears.

  • If you choose a single date in the past, that day’s data from between 12 AM to 11:59 PM appears.

If you want to view data from a date range in the past, select the Use custom date range checkbox and select the date ranges you want to view.

  • If you include today’s date in the range, the returned data is based on this logic:

    • Data collected between 12 AM on the start date

    • Data collected up to the most recent data refresh.

  • If you exclude today’s date in the range, the returned data is based on this logic:

    • Data collected from 12 AM on the start date

    • Data collected to 11:59 PM on the end date.