Supported web browsers

Squiz DXP runs on, and is supported on, the following desktop and mobile web browsers.

Supported desktop web browsers


The latest stable release as documented on the Desktop Update stream of the Google Chrome releases blog.

Chrome Extended Support Release (ESR)

The latest extended support release as documented on the Extended Stable Updates stream of the Google Chrome releases blog.


The latest stable release as documented on the release notes section of the Mozilla Firefox desktop browser download page.

Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR)

The latest extended support release as documented on the Mozilla Firefox ESR release notes page.


The latest stable release as documented on the Microsoft Edge browser release notes page.


The current and penultimate release as documented on the Safari release notes page.

Supported mobile web browsers

Chrome for Android

The latest stable Android release as documented on the Chrome for Android stream of the Google Chrome releases blog.

Safari for iOS

The latest stable release as documented on the Safari release notes page.

Capability-specific notes


The Matrix Admin user interface is only supported on desktop web browsers. It is not supported on mobile web browsers.

As well, the Matrix Admin user interface requires a minimum desktop screen resolution of 1366 x 768.


The Datastore JavaScript Software Development Kit product admininstration user interface does not present in a mobile or tablet optimized version.


The Squiz Integrations user interface is only supported on desktop web browsers. It is not supported on mobile web browsers.

As well the Squiz Integrations product admininstration user interface does not present in a mobile or tablet optimized version.

Desktop operating system notes

Squiz DXP is supported on any underlying desktop operating system that officially supports a supported web browser.

That is, if a supported web browser is officially sanctioned to run on a given desktop operating system, Squiz DXP is supported in that web browser on that desktop operating system.

For example, Firefox and Firefox ESR are available in ports that run on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. These ports are not supported by Mozilla, however. Consequently, Squiz DXP is not supported in Firefox or Firefox ESR on any of these operating systems.

Mobile operating system notes

Squiz DXP is only supported on the mobile browser and operating system combinations noted above.

In particular, Squiz DXP is supported on Chrome for Android but not Chrome for iOS.