Usage guidelines and recommendations

These guidelines and recommendations should be considered when using the File Store Service.


These guidelines and recommendations apply to all parts of the File Store Service:

  • The service must not be used to store personally identifiable information (PII).

  • 50MB upload limit on POST and PATCH file endpoints.

  • 100MB size limit on each file:

    • served by static hosting

    • retrieved by API download.

  • Files are unavailable immediately after upload because they must pass a virus scan before being available for static hosting or API download

  • Virus scanning operates as an asynchronous process.

  • File changes are final and cannot be undone or restored from a backup.

  • Fine-grained permissions on files and directories are not available.

Large file upload process limitations

These guidelines and recommendations apply specifically to the large file upload process:

  • 50MB upload limit for large files uploaded through the File Store UI.

  • 100MB size limit for non-tar files uploaded through the large file process

  • Upload chunk conditions apply to all files:

    • The first upload chunk must be larger than 5MB.

    • The final upload chunk can be less than 5MB.

    • Upload chunks must be queued sequentially.

  • Long-running POST or PATCH operations are abandoned after one day.

  • Parameters successfully added or changed as part of an abandoned operation are retained.

  • A PATCH operation that adds additional parameters (for example, source or access) will take effect immediately.

  • File data will continue to return as empty for an initial POST operation to create a large file until the process fully completes.

  • File data will be returned during a PATCH operation on an existing file until the process finishes.

Static site serving

These guidelines and recommendations apply specifically to serving static sites through the File Store service:

  • Mappings are domain based. For example, having both www and non-www domains requires both domains to:

    • exist in the Squiz Content Management API

    • have static site serving enabled

    • be mapped to the same root folder.

  • Static-hosted sites can have only one default 404 page at the root of the site directory.

  • Cache settings are not configurable.

  • The cache cannot be dropped.