Select resources through the component editing UI

The resource browser is available when using asset-dependent components.

  1. Depending on what resource type the component requires or accepts, one (or more) of the following buttons is available to launch the Resource Browser:

    resource browser launcher buttons
  1. Matrix asset browser

  2. Link (Matrix asset) browser

  3. Image browser

  1. After the presented Choose …​ link is clicked, the Resource Browser presents a dialog through which you can either Search or Browse for the required resource:

    resource browser search or browse dialog
  1. The type of resource being selected. Link type resources use the same interface as the Matrix asset browser.

  2. Browse your CMS files using the ads_click Browse button to the right of the dialog.

  3. Enter a term with which to Search for the resource.

    This can be a facet of its name, ID or description.

  4. A list of previous search terms is shown to make accessing high-demand resources easier.

If the file you wish to use is not selectable, it may be because that filetype has been restricted for the component you are using.

Read the documentation about Using matrixAssetTypes to restrict file types for more information about this setting.

Searching within the Resource Browser is a feature that needs to be provisioned before use.

If you wish to use the search feature within the Resource Browser, you must raise a DXP Support ticket to request it be enabled.

  1. Entering a term in the search field of the previous dialog presents the search results page:

    resource browser search results
    Figure 1. Click for full size.
  1. The entered search term appears at the top of the screen.

    This field is editable to refine results. Editing this field will perform a new search.

  2. Matches across all configured sites are listed.

  3. Any search matches are listed in the center pane of the dialog.

  4. Once a search result has been selected, more details are shown on the right of the dialog.


  1. Clicking on the ads_click Browse button brings up the following resource browser page:

    While the images below show inserting an image, the process is identical for adding a Matrix asset.
    resource browser browse steps
    Figure 2. Click for full size.
  1. A list of sites configured in your CMS is displayed.

  2. When you select a site, that site’s name is displayed at the top of the window and a list of available files and folders is shown.

  3. When a file is selected, more details (including a thumbnail for images) are displayed.

  4. Click the Select button to choose and insert that resource.