Set the test page and variants

Before your A/B test can work, you need to specify what Content Management instance you want to make the test available for.

You can then specify custom names for your variants appearing in Page Builder.

Setting meaningful names helps to identify variants in your test results.

Meaningful names also help Content Authors select the correct test from the Page Builder interface.

Before you start

Keep your test plan notes nearby to refer to during this tutorial step.

You can use the values specified if you decide not to make specific notes.

Otherwise, swap out the suggested values with your own when prompted in the steps.


Set the test page destination

To set the test page destination:

  1. Switch to the Conference CTA Squiz Optimization tab (previously left open).

  2. In the Test page section, paste the FQDN into the Website domain field.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Switch to the Conference Content page tab.

    1. Leave the Conference CTA Squiz Optimization tab open.

  5. Refresh the page.

    The specific command for refreshing a page is browser-dependent.

    Some example commands are:

    • Chrome: select View  Reload This Page or press ⌘/Ctrl+R.

    • Firefox: press ⌘/Ctrl+R.

    • Safari: select View  Reload Page or press +R.

    Refreshing the page ensures the A/B testing service re-checks the connection.

(Optional) Set custom variant labels.

By default, an A/B test sets the variant labels to Variant A and Variant B.

While these default labels are clear, they are not test-specific.

These labels are used in the A/B test reporting. Test-specific names are, therefore, useful for accurately parsing test results.

To set custom variant labels.

  1. Switch to the Conference CTA Squiz Optimization tab (previously left open).

  2. In the Variants section, enter custom and test-specific names in the Variant A - custom name and Variant B - custom name fields.

    For example:

    • in Variant A - custom name enter Old Conf CTA.

    • in Variant B - custom name enter New Conf CTA.

  3. Click Save

  4. Switch to the Conference Content page tab.

    1. Leave the Conference CTA Squiz Optimization tab open.

  5. Refresh the page.

    1. The variant labels update in the A/B testing icon of the Actions toolbar.

  6. Continue to the next tutorial step.