Test the suitability of a call to action based on page views
This tutorial puts you in the role of a content author creating content for a conference they promote.
Reviewing the site analytics, the conversion rate for the current call-to-action do not meet expectations.
You decide to conduct an A/B test using the existing banner and test another design with more visual flair and a call-to-action button with different text.
The hypothesis is that customers who view the updated design will click through to the conference landing page more than those who view the current design.
The expected outcome is that conference page views will increase when the updated design is served to customers.
You can solve this common website content challenge using the content page asset in Squiz Content Management.
This asset type lets you run A/B tests on content blocks through the A/B tests feature of Squiz Optimization.
This tutorial steps through setting up an A/B test from end-to-end. And, once set up, the test can be run and stopped quickly. However, there is no way to artificially generate traffic or programmatically generate simulated traffic to the created A/B test pages. It is not possible to simply follow this tutorial; automatically see site traffic being distributed; and then analyze test results and implement consequent changes. |
Before you start
This tutorial assumes you already have a working website set up in Squiz Content Management with navigable URLs.
To configure a site, follow the steps described in Create a site using a template.
The site needs to have a navigable asset (such as a standard page asset) that you can set as the target of the Call To Action core component.
You don’t need to focus on the page’s content for this tutorial.
Read and understand the features and capabilities of a content page asset compared with a standard page asset by reading the Standard Page and Content Page feature comparison.
You should know how to Add a component block.
Tutorial topics
Effective tests start with a solid plan.
Create a content page for the A/B test
Create a basic page structure to support the test plan.
Launch the A/B test workflow directly from the content page.
Connect the test to your content page
Link the test with the content page asset and set the test variants.
Set the test page and variants
Define the target page that, if opened, makes the test successful.
Set test traffic and success metrics
Set how much traffic goes to Variant B of your test.
Create variations for the content block
Create content variations to serve website visitors as part of the test.
Start and end the test, review the results, and make data-driven content decisions.