Test your personalized content

The previous tutorial steps describe how you set up the Customer Data Platform (CDP) to track user events on your website and set up segment rules that group customers based on particular event conditions. This tutorial step is the final in the series, where you test your segmentation strategy to ensure site visitors will see the content you want them to see.


  1. View the Change Segments page on your site and follow the opt-in instructions you added to the page.

    1. Click Give consent.

    2. Click I am a customer.

    3. Wait 30 seconds to allow CDP to update your tracking status.

  2. Open the Conference Information content page you created in Apply personalization to content page blocks.

    You should only see the content you added for the Customer personalized content block.

  3. Visit the Change Segments page again and select Revoke consent to remove yourself from a segment

  4. Repeat the process above to Give consent and then Click I am a prospect.

  5. After you wait the required amount of time, visit the Conference Information pages, and you should only see the content you set for the Prospects personalized content block.


You now have a basic understanding of how personalization works from an end-to-end perspective.

In practice, the events and segments you configured in this tutorial are typically configured by someone on your team responsible for defining the personalized content strategy for your entire site.

Content authors can then focus on solving content problems by creating personalized user journeys for website visitors by selecting from a clearly communicated list of user segments.