Remove an object from a page

You can delete components and text blocks from a page.

How to remove a content block

The Page outline column presents the page’s components and content blocks in rendered order.

And each presented component or block has an Options menu.

  1. Options

    When this control is clicked, a menu of object-specific options presents.

    If the selected object is a component, clicking this option presents a menu with two available commands: Components info and Delete.

    page outline column options menu for components
    Figure 1. Options menu for components.

    Selecting the Components info command presents the View component information dialog

    Selecting the Delete command deletes the selected object.

    If the selected object is a text block, clicking this option presents a menu with one available command: Delete.

    There is no confirmation or warning dialog when this Delete command is selected.

    Selecting the command deletes the object immediately.