Pull quote

Use the pull quote component to break up long portions of text or to draw attention to the text in the pull quote.

Add the component to your page

When you are editing your page using page-builder:

  1. Optional step. Add a content block to your page by clicking the add_circle button.

  2. Add a component to your page (or the newly-added content block on your page if the optional step above is taken) by clicking the widgets Add component button.

  3. Locate the pull quote Squiz core component within the component browser and then click the select button.

    pull quote component select

  4. This will add the pull quote component to your page.

Configure the pull quote component

pull quote fields
  1. (Optional) Choose an image that you have already uploaded to the CMS to display.

  2. Enter the quote’s content.

  3. (Optional) Enter the quote’s author.

Basic example

The image below shows a basic example of a pull quote with an image.

pull quote example

You can apply your own CSS styling.