Core components

The following core components are available for all content authors to use in the Page Builder Service.

You can add any of these core components to blocks as described in Add a component block.

Component Description

Use the accordion component to display a set of items within an accordion on your web page.

Use the advanced form embed component to embed a form that you have created using the DXP advanced forms service on your web page.

Use the banner component to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the banner component with an alternative color pattern to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the banner with image component to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the banner with image component with an alternative color pattern to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the banner with text only component to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the banner with text only component with an alternative color pattern to empower your marketing campaigns.

Use the content banner simple component to provide a consent banner on your website. The main use for this component is to provide a cookie consent banner as part of implementing GDPR compliance on your website.

Use the card listing component to display a set of cards on your web page.

Use the details component to display a small panel with a title and collapsible details section.

Use the Dialog component provides the ability to display additional information in a modal/lightbox.

Use the drawer component to provide easy access to information which does not need to be visible at all times.

Use the event listing component to provide an event listing on your web page.

Use the features component to highlight the most important features of your product or service.

Use the image component to combine visual elements with text to give context and alignment within content. The image will be displayed using the full width of the container with the caption being displayed underneath.

Use the image component to combine visual elements with text to give context and alignment within content. The image and caption will be displayed side by side.

Use the image gallery component to display a set of images on your web page.

Use the in-page alert component to display contextual notifications within page content, with options for warning, success, info, and critical alert types.

Use the inset text component to differentiate a block of text from the content that surrounds it.

Use the link list component to present users with a list of suitable next best actions or content.

Use the news listing component to provide a news listing on your web page.

Use the phase banner component to display a banner informing users that the service is currently under development.

Use the pull quote component to break up long portions of text or to draw attention to the text in the pull quote.

Use the slider component to display a set of images as a set of sliders contained within an image slider.

Use the tabs component when you wish to format a set of options in tabs on a page.

Use the video modal component to display a YouTube or Vimeo video within a pop-up modal dialog on your web page.

Use the video player component to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on your web page.

Styling core components

You can apply your own styling to core components by defining your own CSS.

Referencing static files in your site template

Squiz Content Management Service will automatically include your static files. However, you must configure your design parse file to include static files correctly, or Squiz Content Management Service will not load them.

Read the complete documentation in the Component service documentation