Basic components

The following components are only available in Squiz Content Management System (CMS) Standard Pages:

  • Code component

  • Markdown component

  • Nested content component

  • Snippet component

  • WYSIWYG component

These components are not supported in Page Builder. This is most commonly because the configuration required to create and maintain them has been streamlined in Page Builder.

Others are unsupported because they use features of CMS that are not present in Page Builder (such as Keyword Replacements and Content Templates).

These cases are documented in the comparison table from which this page is linked. Explanations are given as to why each component is not supported (as well as how a content editor might create the same or similar results) in Page Builder.

Be mindful of the various terms used to describe these components and how it changes based on context:

  • Within the context of the Squiz CMS and its accompanying documentation, they are referred to as Core components.

  • Within the context of Page Builder, which offers its own, far more extensive, list of Core components, these unsupported components will be referred to as as Basic or Legacy components

When to use a Standard Page and Basic Components

Since none of these Basic components (aside from the WYSIWYG editor, to which the Text block component is functionally similar) has a direct replacement in Page Builder, your organization might have a specific need for a function provided by one of these components that cannot be replicated in the Page Builder system.

In this scenario, you might need to consider using a Standard Page. Keep in mind, however, that some of the same functionality can be achieved in other ways in Page Builder.

Some examples of where it might be better to use a Standard Page are:

  • Your content is in Markdown format. Markdown is not supported in Page Builder, so a Standard Page with the Markdown component would be a better option.

  • Your organization uses Keyword Replacements extensively, which are not supported in Page Builder.

  • Your organization has many custom Component Templates. Some organizations will have implemented extensive use of Custom Templates, which must be converted to the Page Builder paradigm.

  • Other use cases where the content is either tied to a function of a Basic component that is not replicated in Page Builder or the overhead of migrating to the Page Builder paradigm of achieving the same outcome is prohibitive.