
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators should be the only staff using this functionality.

If you’re not sure if this includes you, check in with your manager or other get in touch with your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators via the Feedback form.


Squiz Workplace administrators are able to customise the footer to suit your organisation’s needs. As a Squiz Workplace administrator, you can change the following aspects of the footer:

  • add or remove main navigation links,

  • edit organisational contact details,

  • add or remove social media links,

  • add or remove links to administrative information.


Contact details

Administrative information

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the site asset

  1. Navigate to the main Site asset. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > Site asset (e.g. 'Squiz Workplace')

  2. Open the Metadata screen of the Site asset.

  3. Acquire the locks on the Metadata screen.

  1. Navigate to the Global preferences section of the Metadata metadata screen.

  2. Locate the Footer navigation list metadata field.

  1. Locate the link within the list of navigation links.

  2. Click the 'Clear' button to remove the link.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Click the 'Change' button in an empty row within the list.

  2. Use the asset selector to choose an asset from the asset tree.

  3. To add more navigation links, click the 'More' button to add an empty row within the list.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

  1. Navigate to the Footer contact include standard page asset. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Includes (folder) > Footer contact include (standard page asset)

  2. Open the Edit contents screen of the Footer contact include standard page asset.

  3. Acquire the locks on the Edit contents screen.

Edit the contact details

We recommend taking a copy of the HTML before you start editing, in case it all goes pear-shaped! You’ll be able to quickly restore the content if needed.
  1. Edit the attributes in the phone, fax, email and address span classes in the footer__contact-wrapper class.

    Phone number

    Update your organisation’s phone number text and link.

    Fax number

    Update your organisation’s fax number text and link.

    • If your organisation does not have a fax number, you can delete this section.

    • If you organisation has a second phone number, you can update this section to match the phone number section.


    Update your organisation’s email address text and link.


    Update your organisation’s address text, adding <br> tags as required.

  2. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

  1. Navigate to the Footer contact include standard page asset. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Includes (folder) > Footer contact include (standard page asset)

  2. Open the Edit contents screen of the Footer contact include standard page asset.

  3. Acquire the locks on the Edit contents screen.

Edit the contact details

We recommend taking a copy of the HTML before you start editing, in case it all goes pear-shaped! You’ll be able to quickly restore the content if needed.
  1. Edit the attributes in the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube list classes in the footer__follow-us-item class.

    Facebook account link

    update the link to your organisation’s Facebook account.

    Twitter account link

    update the link to your organisation’s Twitter account.

    Youtube account link

    update the link to your organisation’s YouTube account.

    Please contact Squiz if you would like to add additional social media accounts to the footer.
  2. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the site asset

  1. Navigate to the main Site asset. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > Site asset (e.g. 'Squiz Workplace')

  2. Open the Metadata screen of the Site asset.

  3. Acquire the locks on the Metadata screen.

  1. Navigate to the Global preferences section of the Metadata metadata screen.

  2. Locate the Footer bottom links metadata field.

  1. Locate the link within the list of administration links.

  2. Click the 'Clear' button to remove the link.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Click the 'Change' button in an empty row within the list.

  2. Use the asset selector to choose an asset from the asset tree.

  3. To add more links, click the 'More' button to add an empty row within the list.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.