The information on this page relates to beta testing within the DXP

This documentation includes information for selected beta testers within the DXP. DO NOT use this unless you have been instructed to do so.

Add a component block to a content page

Components offer a consistent way of structuring non-text or design content elements within a page.

You can view and add different components designed to solve specific content challenges.

If you only need to add formatted text to your page, consider choosing the formatted text block option.

Before you start

Read Add a content page asset to learn about the page-building interface.


To add a component to your page:

  1. Select Edit to change the content page asset.

  2. Select the Add component option.

  3. From the component browser, choose a component to add to your page:

    1. Use the search field to filter for what you need if your component collection is large.

    2. Select individual components to view their descriptions.

    3. Use Select to add the selected component to your page.

  4. Configure the component by completing the fields.

    Each component’s required and optional fields differ depending on the chosen component.
    • The content block containing the component will update with a heading to indicate which component is in use.

    • The outline column updates to reflect the component name.

  5. Select Save at regular intervals to save any changes you make to the content page.