Edit the page

This section of the guide explains how to edit and add different types of content to a standard content page.

Using the WYSIWYG editor

Workplace utilises Matrix’s WYSIWYG editor to edit pages.

Learn more about how to use the WYSIWYG editor in Workplace in the Matrix 5.5 Manual.

The following procedures explain how to add and work with specific types of content in a page.

Working with content templates

Workplace provides a number of content templates to enhance the appears and functionality of your page.

Learn more about how you can edit your page of content to add content templates within a page container.



Content authors are able to embed YouTube videos into standard content pages.


Acquire YouTube video embed code

  1. Within YouTube locate the video that will be embedded into your standard content page.

  2. Click on the Share button to open up the Share options for the video.

  3. In the Share options section, click the Embed button.

  4. Within the Embed Video modal pop-up:

    1. Choose your settings.

    2. Click the Copy button.

Embed YouTube video into a standard content page

  1. Go to the Content screen of the standard content page.

  2. In a standard content container, paste in the Youtube code for the YouTube video (copied from YouTube as per the instructions above—right click in the WYSIWYG container and select 'Paste' or press 'Control' + 'V' simultaneously on you keyboard to paste).

  3. The YouTube video will appear as video content in the content container.

  4. Save your change/s.

Image with call to action button


Images with call-to-action buttons are inserted into standard content pages using the Image with call to action content container.

A page can have multiple Images with call-to-action buttons.


Upload image

  1. Upload the image to the appropriate location in the asset tree:

    • [Site name] Media (site asset) > Images (folder) > …

  2. When first creating the image asset, ensure that you complete the Alt and Caption fields. Alt text and Caption text can be updated on the Details screen of the image.

Further information on uploading images can be found in the Matrix User Manuals.

Create an Image with call to action content container

  1. Navigate to the page you would like updated.

  2. Enter the Contents screen.

  3. Click on the Insert new container button to open the Insert new container dialogue box.

    1. Under the Content Type section, locate the Template sub-section.

    2. From the Template dropdown list, select Image with call to action.

    3. Click on the Insert button of the dialogue box.

  4. Save the change.

  5. The Image with call to action content container will be loaded.

Populate the Image with call to action content container with contents

  1. In the Inline content section of the Image with call to action content container, edit the following form fields:

    • Title: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a title for the Image with call to action.

    • Description: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a description for the Image with call to action.

    • Image: select the image uploaded previously.

    • Layout: select one of the following options from the dropdown list:

      • Image left (default option)

      • Image right.

    • Button text: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a name for the button text.

    • Button link: un-tick 'Use default' and select a Matrix asset for the call-to-action button to link to.

  2. Save the change/s.



Accordions are inserted into standard content pages using the Accordion content container.

We recommend a maximum of 10 to 15 accordions per page as a sensible number for your colleagues to digest.

It is possible for a page to have multiple accordion sets. In this case we would recommend limiting the number of accordions in each set, to 3 or 4.

Content authors are able to choose one of the following methods for populating each accordion:

  • Enter contents method - enter content into to the Accordion content container using the four sets of accordion fields provided

  • Dynamic listing method 1 - select a preprepared folder that contains standard content page assets to form the accordion

  • Dynamic listing method 2 - select individual standard content page assets to form the accordion.

Content authors are also able to add a heading for the accordions, within the Accordion content container.


  1. Navigate to the page you would like updated.

  2. Enter the Contents screen.

  3. Click on the Insert new container button to open the Insert new container dialogue box.

    1. Under the Type section, locate the Template sub-section.

    2. From the Template dropdown list, select Accordions.

    3. Click on the Insert button of the dialogue box.

  4. Save the change.

  5. The Accordions content container will be loaded.

Select your method for populating the accordion

  • Decide which of the following methods you would like to use to create your accordion content.

    • Enter contents method - enter content into to the Accordion content container using the four sets of accordion fields provided

    • Dynamic listing method 1 - select a preprepared folder that contains standard content page assets to form the accordion

    • Dynamic listing method 2 - select individual standard content page assets to form the accordion.

Add a title for your accordion set (optional)

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Accordion content container.

  2. Locate the Top heading form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Enter in a heading for the accordion set.

  3. Save the change.

Add content to your accordions

Enter contents method
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Accordion content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    • The dropdown menu has Inline content selected by default—there is no need to change this setting.

  3. Navigate to the top of the content container.

  4. Locate the Inline content 1 section and complete the following form fields.

    1. Heading (text field): un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a heading for the accordion.

    2. Body (WYSIWYG field): un-tick 'Use default' and enter in contents for the accordion.

    3. Repeat the previous two steps for the remaining accordions (maximum of four in total).

  5. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 1
Prepare your content
  1. Create a folder in the appropriate place in your asset tree.

  2. Add standard content pages inside the folder.

    • We recommend a maximum of 10 to 15 standard content pages.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  3. Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to appear inside your accordions.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Accordion content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Folder' from the dropdown list.

  3. Locate the Source folder form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Click the 'Select' button and choose the folder asset that you pre-prepared in the steps above.

  4. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 2
Prepare your content
  1. Create new standard content pages in an appropriate place in your asset tree. Please note: you can use pre-existing standard page assets to populate your accordion.

    • We recommend a maximum of 10 to 15 standard content pages.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  2. Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to appear inside your accordions.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Accordion content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Manual selection' from the dropdown list.

  3. Locate the Manually selected items form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Click the 'Select' button to add a standard content page asset, pre-prepared in the steps above.

      • Repeat this step, to include all of your pre-prepared standard content page assets.

      • Please note: you can rearrange the order of these assets by dragging and dropping them into the correct order (up/down arrows button).

  4. Save the change/s.



Tabs are inserted into standard content pages using the Tabs content container.

You can use up to five (5) tabs per page. It is possible for a page to have multiple tab sets.

Content authors are able to choose one of the following methods for populating each tab:

Content authors are also able to add a heading for the tabs, within the Tabs content container.


  1. Navigate to the page you would like updated.

  2. Enter the Contents screen.

  3. Click on the Insert new container button to open the Insert new container dialogue box.

    1. Under the Type section, locate the Template sub-section.

    2. From the Template dropdown list, select Tabs.

    3. Click on the Insert button of the dialogue box.

  4. Save the change.

  5. The Tabs content container will be loaded.

Select your method for populating the tabs

  • Decide which of the following methods you would like to use to create your tabs' content.

Add a title for your tabs set (optional)

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tabs content container.

  2. Locate the Top heading form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Enter in a heading for the tabs set.

  3. Save the change.

Add content to your tabs

Enter contents method
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tabs content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    • The dropdown menu has Inline content selected by default—there is no need to change this setting.

  3. Navigate to the top of the content container.

  4. Locate the Inline content 1 section and complete the following form fields.

    1. Heading (text field): un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a heading for the tab.

    2. Body (WYSIWYG field): un-tick 'Use default' and enter in contents for the tab.

    3. Repeat the previous two steps for the remaining tabs (maximum of four in total using this method).

  5. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 1
Prepare your content
  1. Create a folder in the appropriate place in your asset tree.

  2. Add standard content pages inside the folder.

    • The Tabs content container will only pick up the first five standard content page assets from the folder.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  3. Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to appear inside your tabs.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tabs content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Folder' from the dropdown list.

  3. Locate the Source folder form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Click the 'Select' button and choose the folder asset that you pre-prepared in the steps above.

  4. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 2
Prepare your content
  • Create new standard content pages in an appropriate place in your asset tree. Please note: you can use pre-existing standard page assets to populate your tabs.

    • The Tabs content container will only allow you to choose five standard content page assets.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  • Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to appear inside your tabs.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tabs content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Manual selection' from the dropdown list.

      • Locate the Manually selected items form field.

    3. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    4. Click the 'Select' button to add a standard content page asset, pre-prepared in the steps above.

      • Repeat this step, to include all of your pre-prepared standard content page assets.

      • Please note: you can rearrange the order of these assets by dragging and dropping them into the correct order (up/down arrows button).

  3. Save the change/s.



Tiles are inserted into standard content pages using the Tiles content container. Tiles link off to other internal Squiz Workplace assets.

You can user up to twelve (12) tile links per page. It is possible to have multiple tile link sets.

Content authors are able to choose one of the following methods for populating each tile.

  • Enter contents method - enter content into the Tiles content container using the tiles fields provided within the content container (tile accent colour can be selected from a set of four pre-determined options)

  • Dynamic listing method 1 - select a pre-prepared folder that contains standard content page assets to form the tile links (single tile accent colour)

  • Dynamic listing method 3 - select individual standard content page assets to form the tile links (single tile accent colour).

Content authors are also able to add a heading for the tiles, within the Tiles content container.


  1. Navigate to the page you would like updated.

  2. Enter the Contents screen.

  3. Click on the Insert new container button to open the Insert new container dialogue box.

    1. Under the Type section, locate the Template sub-section.

    2. From the Template dropdown list, select Tiles.

    3. Click on the Insert button of the dialogue box.

  4. Save the change.

  5. The Tiles content container will be loaded.

Select your method for populating the tiles

  • Decide which of the following methods you would like to use to create your tile links.

    • Enter contents method - enter content into the Tiles content container using the tiles fields provided within the content container (tile accent colour can be selected from a set of four pre-determined options)

    • Dynamic listing method 1 - select a pre-prepared folder that contains standard content page assets to form the tile links (single tile accent colour)

    • Dynamic listing method 3 - select individual standard content page assets to form the tile links (single tile accent colour).

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tiles content container.

  2. Locate the Top heading form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Enter in a heading for the tile links set.

  3. Save the change.

Enter contents method
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tiles content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    • The dropdown menu has Inline content selected by default—there is no need to change this setting.

  3. Navigate to the top of the content container.

  4. Locate the Tile 1 section and complete the following form fields.

    1. Title (text field): un-tick 'Use default' and enter in a title for the tiles link.

    2. Link (select asset field):

      1. un-tick 'Use default'.

      2. Click the 'Select' button to select an asset (to add a link to that standard content page asset).

    3. Highlight color (dropdown list): un-tick 'Use default' and select an accent colour for the tile.

    4. Repeat the previous three steps for the remaining tiles (maximum of twelve).

  5. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 1
Prepare your content
  1. Create a folder in the appropriate place in your asset tree.

  2. Add standard content pages inside the folder.

    • The Tiles content container will only pick up the first twelve standard content page assets from the folder.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  3. Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to link to from your tile links.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tiles content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Folder' from the dropdown list.

  3. Locate the Source folder form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Click the 'Select' button and choose the folder asset that you pre-prepared in the steps above.

  4. Locate the Highlight color field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select an accent colour for the tiles from the dropdown list (all tiles will be the same colour).

  5. Save the change/s.

Dynamic listing method 2
Prepare your content
  • Create new standard content pages in an appropriate place in your asset tree. Please note: you can use pre-existing standard page assets to populate your tile links.

    • The Tiles content container will only allow you to choose twelve (12) standard content page assets.

    • The title of the standard content pages should not exceed 80 characters.

  • Populate the standard content pages with the content that you would like to link to from your tile links.

Select your content
  1. Navigate to the Configuration section of the Tiles content container.

  2. Locate the Source from form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select 'Manual selection' from the dropdown list.

  3. Locate the Manually selected items form field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Click the 'Select' button to add a standard content page asset, pre-prepared in the steps above.

      • Repeat this step, to include all of your pre-prepared standard content page assets (up to twelve (12)).

      • Please note: you can rearrange the order of these assets by dragging and dropping them into the correct order (up/down arrows button).

  4. Locate the Highlight color field.

    1. Un-tick 'Use default'.

    2. Select an accent colour for the tiles from the dropdown list (all tiles will be the same colour).

  5. Save the change/s.

Team chart

Team charts are designed to show small segments of your organisational chart. If you have a content (or landing) page that is about or for a particular team/business unit within your organisation, then you can display a team chart representing that team/business unit within your page.

Team charts can be inserted into standard content pages using the Organisation Chart content container.

There are several ways you can generate your team chart, but all of them revolve around getting the user details of the team leader correct. To generate your team chart, you will need one of the following pieces of information:

  • the team leader’s username.

    • This is the easiest way to generate a team chart. You just have to know the username of the team’s leader (or be able to get it from the organisation chart or their staff profile). The disadvantage of this method, is that if the team leader leaves the organisation or moves to a different team, then the team chart will either break or show the team’s leaders new team. If it’s a page your monitoring or updating frequently, it may not be a big deal.

  • the team leader’s position title.

    • This method works where the team leader has a unique position title (e.g. Head of Finance or CEO). It means that if the team leader changes, the chart will update with whoever fills the position next (as long as your organisational and staff data is up-to-date). However, it’s not an effective method if the title is something like 'Project Manager' and there are fifty (50) project managers in your organisation. In this circumstance, the team chart will display the team for the first project manager only, rather than the one you want.

  • the team leader’s position ID.

    • This is an advanced method, and is likely to only be available to you organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators, as they have access to organisational and staff data. This method is likely to be the most effective in coping with team leaders changing positions with the organisation, or leaving. Using this method will mean that if the team leader changes, the chart will update with whoever fills the position next (as long as your organisational and staff data is up-to-date).


  1. Navigate to the page you would like updated.

  2. Enter the Contents screen.

  3. Click on the Insert new container button to open the Insert new container dialogue box.

    1. Under the Type section, locate the Template sub-section.

    2. From the Template dropdown list, select Organisation Chart.

    3. Click on the Insert button of the dialogue box.

  4. Save the change.

  5. The Organisation Chart content container will load as follows.

  6. Complete one of the following three metadata field fields:

    • Username: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in the username of the team leader.

    • Position title: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in the position title of the team leader.

    • Position ID: un-tick 'Use default' and enter in the position ID of the team leader.

  7. Complete the Layout metadata field by un-ticking 'Use default' and selecting the appropriate option from the select dropdown list.

    • Four columns (maximum): select this option when the layout of your page is full-width (e.g. no left-hand-side sub-navigation and no right-hand-side asides).

    • Two columns (maximum): select this option when the layout has either left-hand-side sub-navigation or right-hand-side asides.

    • One column (basically looks like the mobile view of the chart): select this option when the layout has either left-hand-side sub-navigation or right-hand-side asides.

  8. Save the change/s.