
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators should be the only staff using this functionality.

If you’re not sure if this includes you, check in with your manager or other get in touch with your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators via the Feedback form.

As a Squiz Workplace administrator you are able to create, edit and publish Alerts for your organisation, so that important information is shared in an effective and timely way. Ideally, Alerts are used sparingly, so that users pay close attention when they do appear.

Alerts contain a title (this is the Record name of the Alert data record asset) and paragraph text. Squiz Workplace administrator’s can edit the following aspects of Alerts:

  • edit the paragraph text for the alert (including being able add links to further information).

  • set the alert type (intention of the alert, e.g. Emergency).

  • set the lifetime for the alert (e.g. 24 hours), after which time it will no longer be visible to users on their homepage.

  • set which audience grouping/s (within each user segment e.g. Location) will be able to see the Alert.


The following instructions are designed to assist Squiz Workplace administrators to create, edit and publish alerts.

Create a new alert

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the Alerts folder

  1. Navigate to the Alerts folder. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Alerts (folder)

  2. Expand the Alerts folder.

Create a new alert

The alert will not be shown until you change the status of the Alert to 'Live'.
  1. Create a new data record asset under the Alerts folder.

  2. Enter in the details for the data record.

    Record Name (plain text field)

    The Record Name of the data record will be the title of the Alert message.

    Link Type (single select dropdown list)

    The folder should be a Type_1 asset.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit the alert

  1. Navigate to the Alert within the Alerts folder.

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Alerts (folder).

  2. On the Metadata screen for the Alert, edit the following fields.

    Body (WYSIWYG field)
    • un-tick 'Use default'.

    • enter in paragraph text (and link/s if required), into the WYSIWYG editor.

    Intention (single select field)
    • un-tick 'Use default'.

    • select the intention (alert type) of the alert from the following dropdown list of options—

      • Information

      • Warning

      • Emergency

      • Celebration/Congratulation.

    Lifetime (single select field)
    • un-tick 'Use default'.

    • select the length of time the alert will display for, from the following dropdown list of options:

      • 24 hours

      • 6 hours

      • 3 hours

      • 1 hour.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Alert audience

On the Metadata screen for the Alert, edit the Content personalisation fields.

  1. For each user segment sub-section (e.g. Location), locate the Personalisation options field.

  2. Un-tick 'Use-default' and select the relevant audience grouping/s within the user-segment.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Publish the alert

  1. Navigate to the Alert within the Alerts folder.

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Alerts (folder).

  2. Navigate to the Details screen of the Alert you wish to publish.

  3. Within the Status section of the Details screen, locate the Current (single select) field. Edit the status.

  4. Select 'Approve and Make Live' option from the dropdown list.

  5. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Once the Alert has been made 'Live', it will appear on the homepage of your Squiz Workplace, for the length of time you specified and to the audience grouping/s you specified.

Decommission the alert

If an Alert is no longer relevant, you are able to decommission the alert prior to the expiration of its lifetime (e.g. 3, 6, 24 hours).

  1. Navigate to the Alert within the Alerts folder.

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Alerts (folder).

  2. Navigate to the Details screen of the Alert you wish to publish.

  3. Within the Status section of the Details screen, locate the Current (single select) field. Edit the status.

    • Select 'Place under construction' or 'Archive' options from the dropdown list.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Once the Alert has been decommissioned, it will no longer appear on the homepage of your Squiz Workplace.