
The Calendar page allows you to have full visibility of the upcoming events within your organisation. It allows you to navigate back and forth in time, as well as decide how you want to visualise your calendar: one day at a time, week after week or the entire month.

Filtering options

The Calendar allows you to filter the list of events. You can simply select the checkboxes at a glance to narrow the list.

Depending on the configuration of personalisation options of your Squiz Workplace instance, the list of filtering options visisble on the page usually corresponds to preferences that are available also under your Accounts Settings page such as "Location" or "Employment Type". Where possible, Squiz Workplace uses your "Content Preferences" to pre-select filters when you visit the calendar for the first time. After that, the calendar will remember your filter selection for the duration of your session (until you "log out" and "log back in" to Squiz Workplace).

Some filters are applied based on business rules defined by administrators, and they might be hidden from you, see Smart filtering section below.

The right top bar includes controls that allow you to navigate back and forth in time ("Today", "Back" and "Next" options), these buttons work in tandem with the "switch view mode controls" visible the top-right hand (options "Month", "Week" and "Day"), then for example, when you are on "Week view mode", the "Next" button will advance the calendar one week at a time.

Note: In order to make optimal use of the reduced screen size, the calendar will automatically switch to "day view" when visited from your mobile or tablet (portrait mode).

Smart filtering (filtering rules enforced by administrators)

If you are wondering why your calendar might look different from your colleagues’s calendar, this could be because Squiz Workplace is applying also "smart filtering" based on hidden attributes of your profile. These filtering rules can be enforced by administrators, these rules allow content editors to target content based on attributes that you cannot change, for example, based on your "employment type".

Depending on the configuration of your Squiz Workplace instance, you may be able to see which "non-editable content preferences" are applied to your profile from the "Accounts Settings" page, these options will appear as "non editable", but at least you will be able to see what values are applied to you profile when contacting an administrator if you think anything is out of date.

Important: Keep in mind that whenever you (or an admin) update any attributes of your profile, you will have to log out of Squiz Workplace and then login again before the content of your calendar is updated again based on your profile.

Viewing details of an event

You can click on any event to see more details. The content of this popup varies depending on the personalisation options enabled for your SW instance. By default, every event will display:

  • Title

  • Start and end dates for the event

  • RSVP information (this can be a web link)

  • A summary of the event

  • An option to add this event to your personal calendar

  • Other attributes configured by administrators (such as "Location" or other sort of categorisation)

Creating a Calendar event

To create a calendar event, navigate to the Calendar page then enter either Edit+ or the Admin mode.

Important: permissions to create new calendar entries may not be granted to all users.

To create a new calendar event via Edit+:

  1. Navigate to the Calendar page and enter Edit+ by adding '/_edit' to the end of the URL (e.g.

  2. Click the "New" icon

  3. Select the Events section

  4. Select either a single calendar event or recurring calendar event

  5. Complete the calendar details and create the asset

  6. Once created, a description can be entered and once happy, the asset can be made Live

To create a new calendar event via Admin mode:

  1. Navigate to the Calendar page

  2. Enter Admin mode by adding '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

  3. Once in Admin mode, right click on the Calendar page to create a child asset under the Calendar page:

    • click New Child > Calendar > then either a "Single Calendar Event" or a "Multi-date Calendar Event" for recurring calendar events.

  4. Right click on the newly created calendar asset and click the Metadata screen.

  5. Add RSVP information and select Personalisation settings if relevant. Commit changes.

  6. You’re now ready to change the status of the new Calendar entry to Live.