You can make a comment post in several locations, including from:
the 'My Collaboration' feed on the homepage,
any content page that has commenting enabled, and
any 'Community discussion' page.
When you are viewing a Squiz Workplace colleague’s post, you can:
Reply to a post.
'Like' a post.
'Bookmark' a post.
'Share' a post.
'Flag' a post.
When you click on a colleague’s avatar, you’ll be able to view their contact details and from there, you can:
Visit their staff profile.
Start a 1:1 instant message conversation (for example, using Skype for Business).
Start a phone conversation if you’re on a mobile device.
Email your colleague.
- Make a post
- Reply to a colleague’s post
- Like a post
- Bookmark a post
- Share a post
- Flag an inappropriate post
- Start an Instant Message
Make a post
Making a comment post can be complicated if your new to social media, and we do cover a lot in this section. If you know what you’re doing but you need a bit of a reminder on a few points, the topics we cover here include:
an overview
formatting comment posts
previewing comment posts
@ mentioning colleagues
using # hashtags
publishing your comment post
deleting your comment post.
Making a social comment post is easy. Inside the comment post box, simply start typing in the markdown editor *.
You can format your text using the formatting options in the markdown editor. Generally, you have two options to do this. You can either:
type in some text, highlight it, then click the formatting option you want to apply, or
click on the formatting option you want to apply, then start typing.
Pressing 'Enter' will allow you to type in plain text again.
* Markdown editor — a text to HTML conversion tool.
Help using the markdown editor
If you’re looking for help with using the markdown editor or if you’re curious, just click on the 'Help' (question mark) button. This will open up a Markdown guide in a new tab within your browser.
Format your comment post
You have a range of snappy formatting options to help get your message across.
Use the 'Link' button to add a link to your post.
Click the 'Link' (chain links) button.
Between the square brackets '[ ]', type in your link text (e.g. [Link]).
Between the round brackets '( )', paste in your link URL (e.g. (
The end result should look like this: [Link](
Use the 'Insert image' button to add an image to your post.
Click the 'Insert image' button.
Between the square brackets '[ ]', type in your 'alt text' for screen reader accessibility purposes (e.g. [Company logo]).
Between the round brackets '( )', paste in your link URL (e.g. (
The end result should look like this: 
If you want to get even trickier, and add a title (visible in a tooltip when you hover over the image), you can add one in like this:

Make sure you add a space after the image URL and put " " around the title.
Preview your comment post
Click the 'Preview' (eye) button, to see how your post will appear once you publish it.
Click the 'Preview' button again to return to the editing interface.
@ Mention another user in your comment post
If you want to mention another user in your comment post, so that they get a notification of your message, all you have to do is @ ('at') mention them.
Type the '@' symbol.
Follow the '@' symbol with the username of the person you want to mention (e.g. @sfieldsinclair).
# Use a Hashtag in your comment post
If you want to tag your content or give it a topic you can use the '#' ('hashtag') symbol. If someone searches for that topic or tag, then your comment will appear in the search results.
Type the '#' symbol.
Follow the '#' symbol with your tag or topic (e.g. for 'photo of the day' use the hashtag as follows: #photooftheday).
Reply to a colleague’s post
If you want to reply to one of your colleague’s posts, then follow these simple steps.
Click on the 'Reply' (reply back arrow) button within your colleague’s comment post.
Enter your reply into the markdown editor.
Click the 'Post' button to publish your reply.
Once you’ve posted your reply, it will appear indented to the message you replied to.
Like a post
Liking a colleague’s comment post is easy. Just click on the 'Like' (love heart) button, and you’re done.
A comment that has been 'liked' acquires a number next to a love heart.
Bookmark a post
Bookmarking a comment post (so that you can easily find it later) is very handy. It’s also very easy—just click on the 'Bookmark' button of the comment post.
A comment post you’ve bookmarked has its bookmark button’s icon highlighted.
You can find all the posts that you have bookmarked, in the 'Bookmarked Discussions' tab within the 'Social feeds' section of the homepage.
Share a post
If you want to share a post with a Squiz Workplace colleague there are a few steps to follow.
Click on the 'Share' button.
Copy the URL of the post to share it.
Share it with a colleague (using the internal information sharing mechanism/s available to you).
Close the window.
Flag an inappropriate post
If you’ve seen a comment post that seems inappropriate or breaches any of your codes of ethics or conduct, you can flag the comment with your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators. To do this:
Click on the 'Flag' button within your colleague’s comment post.
In the pop-up window, click 'Yes' to confirm that you want to flag the comment post.
The comment will be assessed by your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators.
A comment post that’s been flagged has its flag button’s icon highlighted.
Start an Instant Message
Sometimes you just need to talk to someone. It’s easy to start a 1:1 instant message conversation in Squiz Workplace by either:
Visiting a colleague’s staff profile and click on their Instant Messaging handle (if configured in your organisation).
Click on a colleague’s avatar (for example in the Organisation Chart or Social Feed) and bring up the staff contact card. You can start an instant messaging conversation by clicking on their IM link to start an IM.