Introduction to A/B testing

A/B testing (also known as split or bucket testing) is used to compare two versions of something to determine which one performs better.

In the context of your website it allows you to test the effectiveness of changes in your content or design in achieving your goals.

For example, you may decide to change the size and color of a button used to sign up users to a mailing list. A/B testing can be used to help you figure out what works more effectively with your users.

How does A/B testing work?

In the DXP, A/B testing works by allowing you to select a page within your website and set up two variants of the page.

This is linked to an A/B test which sets the conditions for how and when the test will run, and what constitutes a successful outcome for the test.

When the test runs, users that access your website will be randomly be shown one of the two variants and track what the user does.

When the test period is complete a report is generated that provides information on which of the variants was more effective.

You can then apply the successful variant and run additional testing to further improve your page.