Manage personalisation options

These changes can cause issues across the whole site if not set properly. Any change described in this section must be performed by an experienced administrator.

It is highly recommended to contact Squiz Support before performing any of the changes below, as some options could be in sync or have dependencies with other systems in your organisation such as Active Directory, SAML attributes among others.


Squiz Workplace administrators within your organisation are able to update the content preference options used by all the features of Squiz Workplace subject of personalisation.

Adding, removing or updating personalisation options

You must have administrator permissions, use the back end interface to perform the changes (_admin)
  1. Locate the personalisation metadata "(Client) Content Personalisation" under the folder "Squiz Workplace/Site Configuration/Metadata"

  2. You will see that there is one metadata section for each group of values available across your Squiz Workplace instance (for example: one section for "Primary Team", another one for "Location" and so on)

    These sections correspond to the grouping of headings available under the Account Settings page of your instance.
  3. You MUST edit the tree fields named after the section you are editing. All tree fields must have the same values. For example, if you are editing a section called "Primary Team" the fields you need to edit would be:

    • primaryTeam.options

    • primaryTeam.user.defaults

    • primaryTeam.system.defaults

  4. Proceed to update the options as necessary, you can use a CSV file to import the option values.

  5. Once you are happy with all changes, go under the Details screen of the "(Client) Content Personalisation" schema, enable the checkbox "Regenerate metadata files" and click "Commit". This will apply your changes immediately across the site.

Important considerations

The "key" column MUST NOT contain spaces, for example the key for an option called "Editorial Policies" must be "editorial_policies".

It is highly recommended that the order of the options remains unmodified to avoid issues with pre-existent content that could have being "tagged" prior your changes.