Business tools

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators should be the only staff using this functionality.

If you’re not sure if this includes you, check in with your manager or other get in touch with your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators via the Feedback form.


Squiz Workplace administrators are able to add, remove and edit business tools available from the Business tools manager page. When creating and editing a business tool, Squiz Workplace administrators can:

  • add in or edit a business tools section (e.g. Human Resources tools, Finance Software),

  • enter in or edit a link to a business tool,

  • determine whether or not the business tool should one in a new tab or open in the existing tab of the browser being used,

  • determine whether or not the business tool is automatically applied by default to a user’s account (available in a their Quick Links - Business tools listing on the homepage).

Add a new section to the 'Business tools manager' page

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the Business Tools folder

  1. Navigate to the Business Tools folder. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Business Tools (folder)

  2. Expand the Business Tools folder.

Create a new section for the Business tools manager page

Your new section will not display until there are live business tools within it.
  1. Create a new folder asset under the Business Tools folder asset.

  2. Enter in the details for the folder.

    Name (plain text field)

    The name of the folder will be the name of the business tools section within the Business tools manager page.

    Link Type (single select dropdown list)

    The folder should be a Type_1 asset.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Add a new business tool to the 'Business tools manager' page

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the Business Tools folder

  1. Navigate to the Business Tools folder. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Business Tools (folder)

  2. Expand the Business Tools folder.

  3. Expand the business tools section folder, that you would like to add your new business tool to (e.g. Communications).

Create a new business tool for the Business tools manager page

  1. Create a new link asset under the Business Tools folder asset.

  2. Enter in the details for the link asset.

    Name (plain text field)

    The name of the link will be the name of the business tool within the Business tools manager page.

    Link Type (single select dropdown list)

    The link should be a Type_1 asset.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the details screen of your new link asset.

Your new business tool will not display unless it has a status of 'live'.
  1. On the Details screen of the link asset:

    1. Navigate to the Link Information section.

      • Add in a link to the business tool using one of the following options:

        URL (plain text field)

        Add an external link (e.g. https://

        Asset (asset select field)

        Select an asset from within Matrix.

    2. Navigate to the Status section.

      • Change the status of the asset to 'Live'.

  2. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Navigate to the Metadata screen of the link asset.

  2. Within the Business tools data section configure the following two metadata fields if required.

    Open link in (single select dropdown list)

    This metadata field is used to allow the business tool to be opened in a new tab.

    • Open link in the current window: keep 'Use default' tick box checked.

    • Open link in a new window: un-tick 'Use default' and select 'New window'.

    Status (single select dropdown list)

    This metadata field is used to set a business tool as a default tool for new Squiz Workplace users.

    • Status—business tool is a default tool for new users: un-tick 'Use default' and select 'Enabled'.

    • Status—business tool is not a default tool for new users: keep 'Use default' tick box checked.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit a business tool

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the Business Tools folder

  1. Navigate to the Business Tools folder. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Business Tools (folder)

  2. Expand the Business Tools folder.

Edit a business tool details

Title of the business tool

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to edit.

  2. On the Details screen locate the Title field.

  3. Update the title of the business tool as required.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to edit.

  2. On the Details screen locate the Link Information field.

  3. Update the URL or linked asset of the business tool as required.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to edit.

  2. On the Metadata screen locate the Open link in metadata field (this metadata field is used to allow the business tool to be opened in a new tab). Edit as follows:

    Open link in the current window

    Keep 'Use default' tick box checked.

    Open link in a new window

    Un-tick 'Use default' and select 'New window'.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Set the business tool as a default tool for new users (or not)

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to edit.

  2. On the Metadata screen locate the Status metadata field (this metadata field is used to set a business tool as a default tool for new Squiz Workplace users). Edit as follows:

    Status—business tool is a default tool for new users

    Un-tick 'Use default' and select 'Enabled'.

    Status—business tool is not a default tool for new users

    Keep 'Use default' tick box checked.

  3. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Remove a business tool from the 'Business tools manager' page

Login to the Squiz Workplace administration interface

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g.

  2. Add '/_admin' to the end of the URL (e.g.

Locate the Business Tools folder

  1. Navigate to the Business Tools folder. It can be found at the following file path:

    • 'Squiz Workplace Mk [X]' (folder) > 'Squiz Workplace - Site' (folder) > 'Site Configuration' (folder) > Business Tools (folder)

  2. Expand the Business Tools folder.

Remove a business tool from the Business tools manager page

Hide a business tool temporarily

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to hide temporarily.

  2. Open the Details screen of the business tool.

  3. Set the status of the business tool to 'Under construction'.

  4. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Remove a business tool completely

  1. Locate the business tool you wish to hide temporarily.

  2. Open the Details screen of the business tool.

  3. Set the status of the business tool to 'Archive'.

  4. Right click on the business tool within the asset tree.

    • Select 'Move to trash' from the menu that appears. This will move the business tool to the Trash.

  5. Save the change/s by clicking the 'Commit' button at the bottom of the screen.