Flagged comments

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators should be the only staff using this functionality.

If you’re not sure if this includes you, check in with your manager or other get in touch with your organisation’s Squiz Workplace administrators via the Feedback form.


Occasionally comments posts within your organisation’s Squiz Workplace may be 'flagged' as inappropriate. When this occurs, an email is sent to the appropriate party within your organisation (usually Squiz Workplace administrators).

Squiz Workplace administrators receive notification via email that a comment post has been flagged as inappropriate. At this point a Squiz Workplace administrator is able to go to the Flagged comment management page to review the post and remove it as necessary.

As a Squiz Workplace administrator you can review the Flagged comment management page at any time.

  1. Enter in the URL of your intranet into your browser (e.g. https://our-intranet.org.au).

  2. Add '/administration' to the end of the URL (e.g. https://our-intranet.org.au/administration).

Click through to the Flagged comment management page to access the following functions:

Review and remove flagged comments

  1. Click through to the Flagged comment management page.

  2. Review flagged comments under the heading Flagged comments.

  3. Each flagged comment shows:

    • the username of the user that posted the comment

    • the content of the comment

    • a link to remove the post.

  4. For any flagged comments that your want to remove, click on the Remove post link associated with the flagged comment post. As a result:

    • you will receive confirmation that the comment has been removed

    • the comment will be removed from the social feeds within Squiz Workplace (and search index)

    • the comment will be recorded under the heading Removed comments on the Flagged comment management page.