Legacy blueprint commands

As of February 2024, the CLI version 0.39.0 is officially deprecated and will no longer receive active support for Datastore. While existing installations will continue to function, no new installations or updates will be supported using this version.

To ensure continued support and access to the latest features, we recommend upgrading to the next CLI version. Detailed CLI instructions can be found in the Datastore DXP-Next CLI section.

This section lists and describes all CLI commands available for Datastore.

dxp datastore blueprint add

Adds and uploads a new blueprint to your Datastore instance and creates a Datastore service for this blueprint.

Before running this command, work with a simulation of your blueprint first, to verify that the functionality of your blueprint meets your expectations.
Required parameters

The path to your blueprint’s API specification file (typically named api.yaml).


The name of your blueprint from which a Datastore service will be created.
Blueprint names support spaces, although the name must be enclosed within either single or double quotes.


Your nearest (cloud-based) region to upload your blueprint to and access its Datastore service from.
The valid values for this parameter include us for the US and au for Australia.

Optional parameters

Some of these parameters may be mandatory based on your signed-in user account’s current circumstances.


The ID of the Datastore instance to which the blueprint will be added.
If your signed-in user account is a member of one Datastore instance only, you can omit this parameter, and the blueprint will be added to this Datastore instance.
Otherwise, this parameter is mandatory.

dxp datastore blueprint add --path /path/to/api.yaml --name Events --region us --dxp-instance-id 01234567-abcd-12ab-abc1-12345a123456

Adds and uploads your new blueprint with the name "Events",
whose API specification file is located at /path/to/api.yaml to your Datastore instance, and
creates a Datastore service for this blueprint in the US region.

dxp datastore blueprint list

Lists all blueprints which have been added to your Datastore instance.

Optional parameters

Some of these parameters may be mandatory based on your signed-in user account’s current circumstances.


The ID of the Datastore instance whose blueprints will be listed.
If your signed-in user account is a member of one Datastore instance only, you can omit this parameter, and blueprints will be listed from this Datastore instance.
Otherwise, this parameter is mandatory.

dxp datastore blueprint list --dxp-instance-id 01234567-abcd-12ab-abc1-12345a123456

Lists all blueprints which have been added to your Datastore instance (with the example ID 01234567-abcd-12ab-abc1-12345a123456).

dxp datastore blueprint rename

Renames an existing blueprint in your Datastore instance.

Required parameters

The name of an existing blueprint in your Datastore instance.
If your blueprint’s name contains one or more spaces, enclose the name in either single or double quotes.


The new name for this blueprint in your Datastore instance.
Blueprint names support spaces, although the name must be enclosed within either single or double quotes.

Optional parameters

Some of these parameters may be mandatory based on your signed-in user account’s current circumstances.


The ID of the Datastore instance containing the blueprint to be renamed.
If your signed-in user account is a member of one Datastore instance only, you can omit this parameter, and the blueprint being renamed is assumed to be in this Datastore instance.
Otherwise, this parameter is mandatory.

dxp datastore blueprint rename --old-name Events --new-name "Event management"

Rename the "Events" blueprint in your Datastore instance to "Event management".

dxp datastore blueprint update

Updates an existing blueprint in your Datastore instance.

If you have made functional changes to your existing blueprint’s files, use this command to update the blueprint in your Datastore instance with these changes.

Required parameters

The path to your blueprint’s API specification file (typically named api.yaml).


The name of the blueprint in your Datastore service.
Blueprint names support spaces, although the name must be enclosed within either single or double quotes.

You cannot use this parameter to change the name of the blueprint. To change the name of the blueprint, use the
dxp datastore blueprint rename command instead.
Optional parameters

Some of these parameters may be mandatory based on your signed-in user account’s current circumstances.


The ID of the Datastore instance containing the blueprint to be updated.
If your signed-in user account is a member of one Datastore instance only, you can omit this parameter, and the blueprint will be updated in this Datastore instance.
Otherwise, this parameter is mandatory.

dxp datastore blueprint update --name "Event management" --path /path/to/api.yaml

Updates the "Event management" blueprint in your Datastore instance (with functional changes you have made to your blueprint files).