
A blueprint is a single API specification file and one or more data model files that define the structure of your data storage requirements for a specific project. Your blueprint’s files are uploaded to DXP Console to automatically generate a Datastore service.

The API specification file (based on OpenAPI v3) is in YAML format and each data model file (based on JSON Schema) is, unsurprisingly, in JSON format. All these files define a blueprint’s data organization within collections and documents, along with the blueprint’s set of endpoints, HTTP methods, access controls, and data types that can be mapped to the exact functionality of the client application.

Before working on developing your application, first design or reuse an existing blueprint to describe the structure and shape of your data storage needs, and how that data should be queried by your application. Blueprints that share common data structures across multiple projects can be reused and tweaked if necessary.

Once comfortable with your blueprint, use Datastore’s CLI tools to either add the blueprint to your local simulator (to test the blueprint’s functionality), and/or upload the blueprint directly to DXP Console for use in production. Once your blueprint has been added to either the simulator or DXP Console, the CLI tool output provides you with fully working URLs for your Datastore service environment, which can be accessed through the JavaScript SDK.