Create a push index snapshot

The push API provides calls that allow you to snapshot the push index. This saves the current state of the indexes under a specified name, which can be restored at a later time if you need to roll back your index.

Create a snapshot

The following push API call can be used to create a snapshot.

  • PUT /v1/collections/{collection}/snapshot/{name}

This will create snapshot with the ID you assign when making the call. If the ID you specify already exists your snapshot will overwrite the existing snapshot.

List existing snapshots

The following push API call can be used to check what snapshots currently exist for your push data source.

  • GET /v1/collections/{collection}/snapshot

This information can be used if you want to restore from a snapshot, or if you want to overwrite or delete and existing snapshot.

Restore a snapshot

The following push API call can be used to restore a snapshot.

  • POST /v1/collections/{collection}/restore/from-snapshot/{name}

This will restore the named snapshot, overwriting all current push data source information for the selected push data source. Use with caution.