Find Funnelback licence key information


This article shows how to find out licence key information from a licence key.


The Admin API includes a number of API calls that return information about the installed Funnelback licence.

To access this information:

  1. Log in to the Funnelback administration interface

  2. Select API UI from the system menu

  3. Local the licence-limits-and-usage section.

  4. Use the appropriate API call to determine the information you are interested in.

Command line

The Funnelback license key is located in /opt/funnelback/VERSION/funnelback.lic.

Use the read key program /opt/funnelback/bin/read_key to get the details about a Funnelback licence key.

[search@localhost ~]$ /opt/funnelback/bin/read_key <license_key>

#e.g pass through a key
[search@localhost ~]$ /opt/funnelback/bin/read_key 1231asdfas23d1fsadfasd1hj

#e.g pipe license key file to read key program
[search@localhost ~]$ cat /opt/funnelback/VERSION/funnelback.lic | /opt/funnelback/bin/read_key

#response example old full licnese
Product code:   full
Expires:        never
Max docs:       unlimited
Max colls:      unlimited
Licensed host:

#response example full licnese
Product code:   fuwg
Expires:        never
Max docs:       unlimited
Max colls:      unlimited
Licensed host:

Product codes

  • fuwg - Full version of Funnelback, with access to all features.

  • full - Old full version licence, with access to all features except for the accessibility auditor.