Failed changeover conditions


This error indicates that the number of documents contained within an index has decreased beyond an acceptable limit.

Error message

Displayed in the update-<COLLECTION>.log file

Swap Views: Failed changeover conditions.


Funnelback compares the number of documents in a newly built (offline) index to the number of documents contained within the current live index. If the new counts is below the configured changeover_percent (default: 50%) then the update will fail with this error as the small index can indicate that something went wrong during the update (e.g. the internet went down while crawling and many expected pages were not fetched).


Once-off expected reduction

If the reduction in size is expected (e.g. due to a website being redesigned with significantly fewer pages) then an update can be run that overrides this check:

  1. Confirm that the offline view of a collection has the expected number of documents (check the document counts in the Step-Index.log for the offline view.

  2. To make the offline index live and skip the document count check select start advanced update from the administer tab and then select the swap live and offline view.

  3. The update will start and complete very quickly as this is a quick operation.

Data sources that have highly variable document counts

If the error is cause by a collection that has highly variable document counts:

Adjust the threshold used for the swap views check (the default is 50%) by setting the collection.cfg parameter changeover_percent.