Replace a deprecated licence


This error indicates that a deprecated licence is installed on the Funnelback server.

Error message

Displayed on the administration interface.

This collection is configured with a license in a deprecated form that will not be supported in a future version of Funnelback. Please use the license portal, or contact Funnelback, to request a new license key.


This error is caused by an old-format licence key being installed on the Funnelback server.


No immediate action is required and Funnelback will continue to work as it did previously. However support for this licence format will be removed in a future version.

To resolve this issue the offending licence key must be removed and replaced with a new format licence key.

If you are a Funnelback partner: use the licence portal to generate a new licence key providing the details for the licence key that is being replaced. If you are a Funnelback customer you will need to contact your account manager and request a replacement licence key.

you can’t replace the existing licence with the new licence using the renew function in the administration interface licence manager because the licence IDs will not match for the old licence format.

Once you have your new licence key use the following steps to install the key and reassign the set of existing collections:

  1. Log in to the Funnelback administration interface as an administrator level user.

  2. Select manage licences from the system menu.

  3. Click the add new button.

  4. Enter the details for the new licence and click save.

  5. Select the newly added licence from the listed set of installed licences by clicking on the entry in the table.

  6. The collections assigned to this license section will list any collections that have been assigned to the licence. This will be blank as you have just installed a new licence key. Click the tools button on the right hand side of the screen and select assign collections to this license from the dropdown menu.

  7. A popup window will open displaying collections that are currently unassigned. Click the show collections already assigned button to show you the full list of collections. You need to click this because you are reassigning collections from the old licence key. The display will update to include currently assigned licences.

  8. Use the checkboxes to pick the collections that you wish to assign to the new licence then click save. The current license column provides information on which licence is used for each collection. In most cases you will want to add all the collections to the new licence.

  9. Return to the manage licences screen by clicking the breadcrumb trail link.

  10. The table of installed licences should now show that the new licence has documents assigned to it and that the old licence has no documents assigned.

  11. Delete the old licence by hovering over the row in the table and clicking the red delete icon that appears to the right hand side of the screen. You will be prompted to confirm the licence deletion.