Disable or edit the no collection listing screen templates


Funnelback will return a list of collections available on the Funnelback server if you call the public search interface without any collection parameter.

While this can be useful, it exposes collections that you may wish to remain undiscovered.

This article outlines the steps required to disable this behaviour.

Modern UI

To disable this behaviour in Modern UI complete the following steps;

  1. Create a new file called $SEARCH_HOME/web/templates/modernui/no-collection.ftl. There is a exiting file called no-collection.default.ftl which holds the current collection-listing behaviour for the modern UI.

  2. Configure the template to return a blank response using the code below then save the file:


    Alternatively input whatever content you wish to display here when no collection name is passed.

    The changes should be immediately visible. If you access modern UI using http://<FUNNELBACK-SERVER>/s/search.html you’ll get a blank screen returned.

Classic UI

This applies to Funnelback 14.2.3 and earlier.

To disable this behaviour in classic UI complete the following steps;

  1. Edit $SEARCH_HOME/conf/global.cfg and add the following line:


    The changes should be immediately visible. Access the classic UI using http://<FUNNELBACK-SERVER>/search/search.cgi you’ll get an error message returned stating you need to define a collection name.

In v13+ there is also a configuration option to redirect the classic UI to the modern UI (ui.classic.redirect_to_modern) - this can be set globally ($SEARCH_HOME/conf/collection.cfg) or per collection ($SEARCH_HOME/conf/COLLECTION/collection.cfg)