Accessing data model maps that use a non-string key


This article describes how to access data model maps (such as gScopeCounts) that use non-string keys.


Normally you can access a map value (e.g. rmcs counts) using something like response.resultPacket.rmcs["key"]

However this will only work if the key is a string type.

i.e. if you look at the XML you will see the rmcs and gScopeCounts maps from the data model.


For the gScopeCounts field you will see that the key and value are both integers.

This is due to how Freemarker wraps Java objects within the template. See: for further information.

Example and workaround

The following freemarker macro is designed to return the gscope count given the gscope number. The gscope counts are a map, but with an integer key.

<#-- @begin Gscope facet item -->
Prints item containing a specified gscope facet and the corresponding count.
<#macro gScopeFacetItem gParam facet="" category="">
	<#if response?exists && response.facets?exists>
		<#assign facetKey="f.${facet}|${gParam}"/>
		<#assign gp=gParam?number>
		<#if response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts[gp]?exists>
			<input type="checkbox" name=${facetKey}" <#if question.inputParameterMap[facetKey]?exists> checked="checked"</#if> value="${category}"> ${category} (${response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts[gp?int]})
			<input type="checkbox" name="${facetKey}" disabled="disabled" value="${category}"> ${category} (0)

However when you use the square bracket notation e.g. response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts[gParam] freemarker automatically converts the key supplied to a string meaning the check will fail.

The above code generates an error.

Expected number, sequence, or string. response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts evaluated instead to freemarker.template.SimpleHash on line 88, column 14 in conf/example/example.ftl.

Other versions of the <#if> statement also fail:

<#if response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts[gp?int]?exists>
<#if response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts(gp)?exists>
<#if response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts(gp?int)?exists>

The following is a workaround, but it’s a bit messy:

<#-- @begin Gscope facet item -->
Prints item containing a specified gscope facet and the corresponding count.
<#macro gScopeFacetItem gParam facet="" category="">
	<#if response?exists && response.facets?exists>
		<#assign facetKey="f.${facet}|${gParam}"/>
		<#assign keys = response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts?keys>
		<#assign vals = response.resultPacket.GScopeCounts?values>
		<#if keys?seq_contains(gParam?number)>
			<#list keys as key>
				<#if key?number == gParam?number>
					<input type="checkbox" name=${facetKey}" <#if question.inputParameterMap[facetKey]?exists> checked="checked"</#if> value="${category}"> ${category} (${vals[key_index]})
			<input type="checkbox" name="${facetKey}" disabled="disabled" value="${category}"> ${category} (0)