Class TestableSearchTransaction

  • public class TestableSearchTransaction
    extends SearchTransaction
    A search transaction that makes testing easier. for example:
     SearchTransaction transaction = new TestableSearchTransaction()
         // Add a profile setting will be returned by transaction.getQuestion().getCurrentProfileConfig()
         .withProfileSetting("a", "b")
         // Add a facet to the result packet.
         .withFacetAndValues(new Facet("authors"), 
         // Use the modifier to set the form name in a single line.
         .withModification(t -> t.getQuestion().setForm("super"))
         // Use the modifier to add some custom data to the transaction.
         .withModification(t -> {
             if(t.getCustomData().isEmpty()) {
                 t.getCustomData().put("a", "b");
                 t.getCustomData().put("b", "c");
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestableSearchTransaction

        public TestableSearchTransaction()
    • Method Detail

      • withResult

        public TestableSearchTransaction withResult​(Result resultToAdd)
        Adds a result to the list of results in the search transaction.
        resultToAdd - the result to add to the ResultPacket, a result packet will be created if it does not already exist.
      • withResultPacketIfNotSet

        public TestableSearchTransaction withResultPacketIfNotSet()
        Ensures the SearchTransaction has a result packet, if none is set it will set one.
      • withResultPacket

        public TestableSearchTransaction withResultPacket​(ResultPacket resultPacket)
        Adds the given result packet to the search transaction.
        resultPacket - the result packet to set on the search transaction
      • withFacetAndValues

        public TestableSearchTransaction withFacetAndValues​(Facet facetToAdd,
                                                            Facet.CategoryValue... values)
        Adds the given facet to the search transaction, and adds all category values to the facet.
         .withFacetAndValues(new Facet("authors"), 
        facetToAdd - the facet to add to the search transaction, will replace any existing facet with the same name.
        values - these are the values from the facet for example for a facet over metadata author this might contain all authors e.g. "Bob".
      • withFacetAndValues

        public TestableSearchTransaction withFacetAndValues​(Facet facetToAdd,
                                                            List<Facet.CategoryValue> values)
        Adds the given facet to the search transaction, and adds all category values to the facet.
        facetToAdd - the facet to add to the search transaction, will replace any existing facet with the same name.
        values - these are the values from the facet for example for a facet over metadata author this might contain all authors e.g. "Bob".
      • withModification

        public TestableSearchTransaction withModification​(Consumer<TestableSearchTransaction> modify)
        Allows for easy chaining of modifications to this SearchTransaction For example:
             // Use the modifier to set the form name in a single line.
             .withModification(t -> t.getQuestion().setForm("super"))
             // Use the modifier to add some custom data to the transaction.
             .withModification(t -> {
                 if(t.getCustomData().isEmpty()) {
                     t.getCustomData().put("a", "b");
                     t.getCustomData().put("b", "c");
         .with...() // chain more here