Interface SearchLifeCyclePlugin

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SearchLifeCyclePlugin
    extends DeprecatedSearchLifeCyclePlugin
    Plugins can implement this to add logic to a search life cycle. A plugin must set in the plugins properties file a line that is: com.funnelback.plugin.SearchLifeCyclePlugin=name.of.class.from.Plugin. All methods will be called under the context of the the search UI
    • Method Detail

      • preProcess

        default void preProcess​(SearchLifeCycleContext searchLifeCycleContext,
                                SearchTransaction transaction)
        Runs just after the hook_pre_process.groovy hook and before any input processing occurs. Manipulation of the query and addition or modification of most question attributes can be made at this point.
        searchLifeCycleContext -
        transaction -
      • preDatafetch

        default void preDatafetch​(SearchLifeCycleContext searchLifeCycleContext,
                                  SearchTransaction transaction)
        Runs just after the hook_pre_datafetch.groovy hook and after all of the input processing is complete, but just before the query is submitted. This hook can be used to manipulate any additional data model elements that are populated by the input processing. This is most commonly used for modifying faceted navigation.
        searchLifeCycleContext -
        transaction -
      • postDatafetch

        default void postDatafetch​(SearchLifeCycleContext searchLifeCycleContext,
                                   SearchTransaction transaction)
        Runs just after the hook_post_datafetch.groovy hook which is just after the response object is populated based on the raw XML return, but before other response elements are built. This is most commonly used to modify underlying data before the faceted navigation is built.
        searchLifeCycleContext -
        transaction -
      • postProcess

        default void postProcess​(SearchLifeCycleContext searchLifeCycleContext,
                                 SearchTransaction transaction)
        Runs just after the hook_post_process.groovy hook. This is used to modify the final data model prior to rendering of the search results.
        searchLifeCycleContext -
        transaction -
      • preExtraSearchExecution

        default void preExtraSearchExecution​(SearchLifeCycleContext searchLifeCycleContext,
                                             SearchTransaction transaction)
        Runs just after the search life cycle section extraSearchesInputProcessor which adds configured extra searches from ui.modern.extra_searches to the main search transaction. This will run on all search transactions just before extra searches are executed. This hook can be used for adding or removing extra searches that would be executed under the given transaction. This hook does not need to be used for editing the SearchQuestion of the extra searches since that can be done with the other hooks.
        searchLifeCycleContext -
        transaction -