Class MockJsoupFilterContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MockJsoupFilterContext
    extends Object
    implements FilterContext
    A mock FilterContext to be used when testing Jsoup fiters. Allows a HTML document to be set, additional metadata and customData to be set and also allows for config settings to be configured. Example: // Setup the HTML document to use in the test. MockJsoupFilterContext filterContext = new MockJsoupFilterContext("<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<p>The HTML document used to test your filter </p>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"); // Also configure some collection.cfg settings. filterContext.getSetup().getConfigSettings().put("myfilter.enabled", "true");
    • Field Detail

      • document

        private final org.jsoup.nodes.Document document
      • additionalMetadata

        private final<String,​String> additionalMetadata
    • Constructor Detail

      • MockJsoupFilterContext

        public MockJsoupFilterContext​(String html)